Beautiful sunset
We were working on our backyard yesterday and we suddenly noticed what a beautiful sunset scene from our backyard, the backyard that we were too busy spending time in.
Most of us in our age are too busy looking for something, either a satisfying career, a beautiful boy/girlfriend, a nice car, the first million dollar, and so on. Most of the time, we neglected a lot of wonderful things that happened around us. There are tons of wonderful things around us waiting to be noticed and appreciated. They are always there no matter what happen in our lifes. Because of that, we always take it for granted.
I say, something that can be bought by money is not precious. What precious is something that can't be bought by money. Like, friendship, health, love, and happiness.
Nice pic that you captured.
Never stress much on things that money can buy, but never stress too much on things money could not buy. Either way in the path of pursuing, you loose the values in the process.
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