Philips DVP642
Has anyone ever have a Dvix or AVI file that you are trying to convert it onto the standard DVD format so you can view the movie on a standalone DVD Player? It's a long and time consuming process.
With more access to movie files like Dvix, mpg (mpeg-4), avi, and so on, it's almost sure that there should be some standalone player that can play it without having to convert it into the DVD format. Then, you can store more movies onto a single DVD disc.
So, there is this Philips DVP642. It comes with progressive scan and it can plays almost any movie file format that you throw at it.
It all started when my new Hong Kong engineer lend me some Hong Kong movies in mpg or Dvix format. While my DVD player couldn't play them successfully, I asked how is she viewing the movies knowing that she is probably watching them on computer. Surprisingly, she has a DVD player from China that plays everything. Out of curiousity, I started searching for one in the US knowing that it would save me tons of time and the long process from finding the right softwares to convert them into DVD format. I finally came across this DVD players that costs only $50 at Circuit City. Read bunch of reviews about how well it plays all the movie fromats.
So, I finally picked one up 3 weeks ago and I am surprisingly satisfied with the quality of the movie. Now, I just have to burn the movie files onto the DVD and I will be able to enjoy the movies on my big screen TV.