Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Golf grip

Golf grip is probably the most important fundamental of golf. If one started with the wrong grip, one will have to fight all the problems associate with the wrong grip.



Blogger Nihcymmot said...

I agree with this. I just changed my grib few days ago and the result was amazing. I have strong left grib and weak right grib that lead to pull on shorter clubs (closed too much) or slice on longer clubs (swing too fast and can't close it fast enough). To neutralize this problem, simply just increase the right grib more. The result is quite effortless and amazing.

3:45 PM  
Blogger Wood Nut said...

Jeff has advised me that grips was affecting the ball direction severely. Just the other day I started pulling my shots and I did not know what caused it. Change my strong grip weaker and ball start going straighter, but inconsistent. Still pondering, then I found out it was my backswing that over the time I had developed over the top swing as I tried to focus on one piece takeaway. Adjust my back swing and I started pushing balls, adjust back to stronger grip and ball outcome is more consistently predictable now.

Grips may mix problem temporarily, but finding the real reason save more frustration.

10:59 AM  
Blogger KH said...

I also notice that with a neutral grip, one will unconsciously keep the left arm straight during back swing. At impact, the club head is behind the hands.

4:22 PM  

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